Sunday, 7 April 2013

Using Technology to Improve Business Productivity

Using Technology to Improve Business Productivity

Five Ways to Increase Business Productivity.
With the economy currently as it is, it's more important than ever for businesses to maximise every pound and every minute available to them. The age old saying 'time is money' has never rung as true as it does now. With this in mind, it makes sense for all businesses to investigate methods to improve productivity. The purpose of this article is to suggest 5 ways in which your business could do this.
Most readers of this article are probably already somewhat familiar with VoIP. For the uninitiated, VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol - in Layman's terms - a technology which one can use to make telephone calls over an internet connection rather than a traditional telephone connection.
Over the last 5 or so years, VoIP has become increasingly popular - especially within business. If your business doesn't yet utilise it though, it can be difficult to understand just why it could be beneficial.
VoIP has evolved beyond simple voice calls. Service providers are now equipped to host full web conferences at the click of a button.
By supporting video conferences, it can eliminate the need to travel, therefore eliminating the inefficiency associated with travelling.
A study by Cisco showed that 48% of companies using this method realised travel savings of 5 days per year per employee. In the same study, 68% reported improved productivity between geographically dispersed departments.
On top of this, over 70% saw savings in travel costs of at least 10%
Managed Hosting
Anyone who has worked at company that manages there IT hardware in-house can vouch that a fair chunk of time is spent carrying out maintenance and/or rectifying any issues that may have arisen. Managed hosting is a potential solution to this problem.
Rather than buying, operating and managing the hardware, it is leased to you (usually) from a managed hosting provider. The hosting provider then manages the hardware and performs the day-to-day maintenance required to keep it running.
There are a number of benefits to doing this. The most obvious one is the computing benefits, having professionals manage your servers is likely to ensure minimum disruption and therefore minimum loss of business.
One point that may not be so obvious though is the time saving benefit. It frees up your in-house IT personnel, meaning that they can spend more time doing important work and less time carrying out mundane server maintenance.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is a networked online storage model where data is stored in a virtualized pool of storage resource - this resource is usually hosted by a third party.
The benefits of cloud storage are numerous. For one, Cloud storage allows stored documents to be accessed anywhere, on more or less any internet-enabled device. This effectively means that the days in which documents are limited to one device or one location are over.
Again, cloud storage can be particularly useful to businesses with frequently travelling employees. For example, cloud storage could potentially increase the productivity of their travelling hours as they would (could) have access to a full range of documents and files as they would if they were physically at work.
Different cloud hosting platforms have different benefits. Microsoft SkyDrive for example offers full synchronization with Office 365 - Microsoft's cloud based platform for the Microsoft Office software. This could be particularly useful for companies that frequently use Microsoft products and need a number of people to view/edit the same file.
BYOD - or Bring Your Own Device - is a fairly new phenomenon, and, as the name suggests, is the practice of bringing your own computing device to work and connecting to the corporate network. It is sometimes referred to as the consumerisation of IT.
A joint survey released by Intel and Dell indicates that the reason for this could be that employees are looking to break out of the 9-5 routine and BYOD effectively allows them to work when they want, where they want.
There are concerns from some corners stating that BYOD compromises the security of their corporate network and data.
Other reasons stated for implementation of BYOD are to increase the competitiveness of a company and to streamline business operations.
Unified Communications
Unified Communications is defined as the integration of real-time communications methods including: Instant Messaging, Telephony, Video conferencing with non-real-time methods such as SMS, e-mail and fax. The purpose of this is to streamline business processes.
Unified communications allow you to see which methods a contact is available through, and actually contact them through the use of one single platform.
One of the biggest positives in regards to unified communications is the reduction of wasted time and minimised time waste equals maximum efficiency and productivity. The reduction in time waste primarily comes through a reduction in delay between communications.
A study by Cisco has identified that companies could save up to 20 mins per day, per employee, by reaching workers on the first try, by escalating IM chats into phone calls and turning group chats into web conferences. That's up to 60 minutes per day per employee.
These paragraphs really only scratch the surface in regards to the potential productivity benefits, more research around your business and your industry would be required to do a more in depth review. The purpose of this article was to highlight ways that the reader could then investigate when necessary. I hope you've enjoyed reading.

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